Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just Wondering...

Wondering what am I doing here?
Wondering if this is the right thing for me?
Wondering if I can believe in God and in myself?
Wondering what this life has to offer?
Wondering if there is an easy way out?
Wondering if I will survive?
Wondering where you are as I'm typing this?
Wondering if you hear me when I cry?
Wondering if you are by my side just as you promised?
Wondering if I'm clapping by myself?
Wondering if I will ever find you?
Wondering why I wonder?
Wondering if this is all to life?
Wondering why the sky is blue?
Wondering why I love the wind in my face?
Wondering why I'm sitting here drinking chai?
Wondering why I'm thinking about you?
Wondering why the clouds are so pretty high up in the sky?
Wondering why the sun shines ever so brightly?
Wondering why the flame flickers on the candle?
Wondering why the smell of the candle fills my room?
Wondering why everyone says you'll be okay when they don't even know?
Wondering why there is no one around me when there are so many people around me?
Wondering if I made a mistake?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this post's quite similar to how i'm feeling rite now as well...
hope you're ok...

4:17 AM  
Blogger glo teng said...


4:29 AM  

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