Friday, July 04, 2008


1. What is the most important thing in your life?
Well, probably my trust in God and my relationship with Him. At this point of my life, I can really see how much i need Him to help me pull through for my Master's...

2. What is the last thing you bought with your own money?
My Cuban Sandwich..

3.Where do you wish to get married?
Anywhere that I am at that point of time... of course depending on my hubby too...

4. How old do you think you'll be permanently owned by your lover?
which lover are we talking about?
i) God, my dad in heaven will love me forever and ever despite of how old i am.. :)
ii) Future hubby, till i die... hehe...

5. Are you in love?
once again, with who?
i) God, definitely YES
ii) Any other human on earth now, not love 'love' but friend love, lots...

6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Kelly's, went out to celebrate after the last day of class and 3 hour naps!! and 50-60 pages of assignments!!

7. Name the latest book you bought?
Hmmz, probably my textbooks for classes,
i) Mental Retardation: An introduction to intellectual disabilities
ii) The Cloak of Competence (pretty interesting longitudinal study on people with intellectual disabilities)

8. What is your full name?
Valerie Ong Mei Hwei

9. Do you prefer mother or father?
No preference, love them both no matter what. And this is dumb trick question...

10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time.

11. Christina or Britney?

12. Do you do your own laundry?
Yups. will be doing it later this afternoon, cause i need clean clothes! haha

13. The most exciting place you want to go?
Probably for now, i want to go to Korea... that's the plan...

14. Hugs or Kisses?
I LOVE hugs!, and kisses will be kept for the someone special... :)

15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you
i) Lemak!
ii) Cute
iii) Hyper
iv) Loves good food
v) Awesome friend! :) I miss you much!

16. 8 things I'm passionate about
i) J.C.
ii) family and friends/dogs
iii) good food/cooking
iv) music/and with that comes singing and instruments
v) special needs children (for now, classes has definitely spark more interest in me)
vi) the internet (sadly, i need it, k, maybe it is not a need, but a wanting... haha)
vii) sleep (lacking that since Summer classes started)
viii) dancing (hehe.... i would love to dance with my partner some time)

17.8 things I say too often
i) hahahahaha (it's not saying, but i laugh too much, but i like it! haha)
ii) What?!!
iii) huh??
iv) okay....
v) duh~~
vi) yeah right!
vii) sorry...
viii) WHATEVER~!!!

18.8 books I've read recently
i) Mental retardation: an intro to intellectual disabilities
ii) the cloak of competence
iii) the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) 2002
iv) When God write your love story
v) Casa Angelica
vi) The BIG idea
vii) Blogs? (if those count)
viii) Bible... which i really need to start reading more of... :(

Ok, all i can think of now is my text books and wonderful journal articles... if u ask me 8 articles ive read recently... whoa... i can definitely tell u that! haha

19.8 songs I could listen to over and over again
i) Hosanna - Hillsong
ii) Here in my life - Hillsong
iii) Healer - Planetshaker
iv) I'm your servant
v) There is none like you
vi) No air - Jordin Spark and Chris Brown
vii) Lost - Michael Buble (actually anything Michael Buble)
viii) Through the rain - Mariah Carey

20.8 things I learnt last year (not only last year.. but throughout)
i) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
ii) I love my friends very much, and they mean a lot to me
iii) I like the peaceful quite life of Bemidji, going to Albuquerque was a shock again...
iv) To respect and listen to others
v) Be on a lookout for others
vi) To be passionate for Christ
vii) I can serve Him wherever I am or go
viii) Being on staff with IVCF was not easy but fruitful! haha

21.8 people you tag
i) Irene Wong (if you see this)
ii) Gloria Teng (if you have nothing else better to do... hehehe or need a break from studies)
iii) Tab, my sis... (of course if you're up for it)
iv) Tab Sze (if you want to go into your memory sectionof your brain a bit... hahaa)
v) Haeman (if you ever start your blog)
vi) Natalie Kan (cause you're free and ure back in MY)
vii) Ern Chee (if you're free too...)
viii) Jamie Lim (if you ever find my blog! haha)


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